Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hernia On The Testiculs

final effect

The Bavarian Minister of Education Louis Spaenle proclaimed once again that parents are given the in Bavaria on the schooling of their children themselves. Final effect, he says, is soon the word of parents. The newspapers print it, without asking what he means.

What Spaenle want is clear: vote. But either he does not know what has defined his administration, or he deceives Public awareness. Parents may still not free to choose whether their child attends school or high school. The alleged freedom of choice is to send the child to high school with, when it may in the sample lessons in German and math one has four, so far it had in either one of his three subjects. In lower grades, the choice is there again.

The very last, which can then cause anything, the parents. Thus, the their "ultimate effectiveness" is certainly not presented.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Compared To What Is A Thick Penis

full broadside

More and more Bavarian parents sign their child in high school. Standing for Spaenle proves two things: First, is the eight-year high school but not as terrible as the political opponents always claimed. Secondly, the structured Bavarian school system the best of all, as one can read in a press release .

Spaenle Had a look at the annual education report from the State Statistical Office thrown, he knew that the rate reaches the crossings to the high school years, regardless of whether the Ministry of Culture once again it introduces any new features or not. If the GPA is not enough remains of the sample lessons. Very few people voluntarily sending his child to the school principal.

"abundant supply of differentiated Education are in demand across the width, can proclaim Spaenle. With all due respect: This is cynical. In any case, if one has not passed the test just lessons.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

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The Bavarian Ministry of Culture is broke. In contrast, the letter can not be explained, with which it is now paying a month-long exchange of views on the completed invoices. It may be that the hint with the lawyer played a role. The ministry said in any event his decision to figures and concluded with a memorable sentence: "The payments will be made once the relevant funds are provided Until then, I ask you politely to be patient.."

You can see them right in front of him, the Ministerialräte as they are helpless in the basement of the empty safe, as they radically change their pockets and find just a few cents, even if all the euro for the shopping cart at Aldi. So where to get the money? Play the lottery is not proper for civil servants, and the Bavarian state bank should be - with all due patriotism - not borrow more to ... A truly desperate situation.

That's not to say you and find that this is a Ministry of the citizens are not taken seriously? But this is a malicious insinuation!