Thursday, November 5, 2009

French Names For Interior Design

The piece Ludwig

The school must take the crucifix on the classroom wall, if parents request it. This message from Strasbourg was hardly the ticker, as Minister of Education Louis Spaenle had already reacted, what the judges have decided in Strasbourg, was in Bavaria old hat. The fact that the Bavarian as old hat's not that pretty and full of holes on top of that, Spaenle revealed in its press release of 3.11. of course not. There was rather read:

"In Bavaria, crosses hung in classrooms if parents or students object to seriously for reasons of faith or belief to the cross in the classroom this practice in Bavaria is in the known contents of the Strasbourg ruling line. .

This passage is found in the press release, which is published on the website of the Ministry of Culture, not more. Ludwig was probably a little too hastily, his CSU has halted him. A day later, the cross symbolizes not only the Christian faith, but the entire Western canon of values . By agreement with the Strasbourg decision is not more talk.

And the SPD? Holds remarkably covered. Their education spokesman, who usually does not miss any opportunity to pee on the leg of the CSU is silent. Also, it probably is the cross over all. In any case, the cross that makes the voters.