Thursday, March 27, 2008

60 Anniversary Speech

My dear fellow citizens

My dear fellow citizens,

only now I know why we do not have a penny in my pocket.
The capitalists are all of us have taken, because that is what means money to us to take our goods.
The bank fraud has been exposed - but not everywhere, but truth it always comes out - sometimes later, sometimes earlier.

A New World Order we shall have. A Thousand-Year Reich.
Sounds familiar? That's it.
Hitler was an Ashkenazi. Thus, Mrs Merkel.
our capitalist system has been devised by Ashkenazis.
A few families from creams, what we create with our hands.
And these families are not like you and me. They are Satanists,
they believe in the devil, they worship him, they worship him.

such people who wanted to be a world leader?
And anyway - I do not want a world leader. It's about the revitalization of fascism, of a very other side is coming, but just as dangerous. In the U.S. are now shocked with Tasers at 50 000 volts and some people killed - because they are driven, for example, 8 km on quickly and the policeman did not agree fast enough ... George Orwell
1984 was the way not intended as science fiction, but as a guide, like the Big Brother state is build.

stands in the way England is now the approval of experiments with chimeras in which human and animal cells are connected, Orwell sends his regards, to the next decision.

are in the USA is also lethal coercive vaccination through the school, as are mercury added. So it really means, forbid revolved. And since I consider it my duty to let as many people know what happened IMMOMENT - because we can still do something about it.

The Nazis are the way of Khazaar and call themselves Ashkenazi Jews and the Jews have no more in common than they are about to change their religion in 740 AD.

Does it mean the Ashkenazis hide under the guise that they were Jewish. They are not.

And so our chancellor is not German, we have not a penny more,
and now we draw even in the war for this Ashkenazis.

So it can not go further.

These Nazis do not understand for humans, and suggests that they are not human. Are they aliens? We have therefore a space program?

I think we should find out some things quickly, and change our lives for the better.


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