No-not my children, but Ms compensation personally * sigh *
I say 'yesterday to Mr. compensation: "Damn, now I've definitely had too little for too much coffee
And already, I was awakened the night around 2:00 clock by one of those lousy, rotten leg cramps !!!!* cry *
That happens to me every time I drank too much and I definitely "do it" but again and again ! I
was felt after a moment of terrible cramp away .... and then I was allowed to read to 4.00 clock again, until I finally ready to sleep war.Um 6:00 the big boy was then already awake to be * clear *
Here are some tips if the calf cramp is here:
you still get a night with a calf cramp torn from sleep, should You use your hands tighten up the toes to the calf or no, and walking around. If you have a wall at the foot of your bed you, it helps the foot to push against this wall and to lie.
These great tips may well be helpful for some, but I definitely can not get up go around! And I come to the foot or help turn! Neeee-da has been Göga
And this morning I got in as a dressing nice because of my drinking behavior maintained thanks-I know myself how stupid I am * grrr *
So, I'm off times
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