arms dealer Guttenberg's "development" for India
rumored completely uncritically the SZ by dpa notice the planned two-time appearance Guttenberg in the "high-tech southern Indian city" Bangalore on the "Air and Space Show Aero India". There, the intention was to obtain a 7.3 billion euro big order for 126 Euro Fighter compete against rival products from Boeing and Lockheed Martin. The fact that the Russian MiG and Sukhoi are also on offer, the DPA report suppresses times quickly, as if the DPA press agency of EADS. - The way a funny piece price (Ca.58 million €), because once again ripped a company in Germany from much larger. But now the issue is not, but the question of what the hungerleidige India to do with the fight hunters. Preparation for war against Pakistan? War against renegade provinces? Armament against China? What say to China and Pakistan? The interest is not corrupt journalism and obviously not the minister.
upgrade India against whom, Mr. Guttenberg? And "Christian-social"?
If, despite the events in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and India still stand on the list of customers who supply the arms companies prefer the whole world with their dung, would then shows how little of the insanity defense has to do with the ostensible object of "defense".
"If we do not deliver, then deliver them." - So argued the gun lobby and would not differ from the drug mafia. Even with Guttenberg, Germany remains part of this global mafia, because whether of Christian or other rules, profiled so far no party trying to reduce arms exports to be limited to NATO members or to make decisions of the Security Council depends.
Mark Rabago>> discussion
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