The wild boys fun team!
22:02:11 - bubu / Last Sunday met the players of the fun teams with the Grizzlies UBS for the return game. Both teams entered with a small squad, with ten of the enemy and we with eleven players. However, we did two "rookies in our ranks, both of which knew how to convince in any respect. One as formidable in defense, the other as the wings, and lightning quick two-goal hero! Thus, is the race for the "Rooky of the Year" launched!
And now, the actual game. After a prolonged sampling phase, during which both teams had their first scoring chances, we could go 1-0 ahead. Plus, despite a chance we could settle provisionally, since the opposing goalie meant time and time again last stop for us. Only two times we were able to temporarily subdue him. The accounts which drove the Grizzlies, but were usually a safe target for our goalkeeper, except one, since, we saw the first goal. Then designed the first half was offset by majority and we were able to take a 3-1 lead with the tea.
After the break we made up where we left off. With fast attacks and some nice combinations, we worked out played us a chance to chance! Then came the hammer, which the Grizzlies broke his neck! Within a short time we get three hits and we could not match the finals for us. The opponent then scored two goals and we still have one, which was the closing level of 7:3 and the victory for the "old and Neuhechte. Overall speaking, it was an attractive, smooth game of two teams with equal runner's benefits on our part.
I should also like the referee, which the game refereed sovereign, as he has left to run so-called "little things" and the delicate phases always kept track of.
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